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Sunday 16 January 2011

mural on my daughters wall -she is a big MJ fan and is a dance-aholic!

My daughter asked me if I would consider trying to draw Michael Jackson on her bedroom wall.  I wasnt convinced I was up to the challenge but I thought nothing ventured nothing gained.  I printed off a picture that she liked and took it up to her room.  I gridded the picture into manageable squares and drew similar but obviously larger lightly pencilled squares onto her wall that I could easily rub off when I was ready to paint.
Anyway this is how it turned out, do let me know what you think.


home is where the heart is said...

meant to say she didnt want facial features she just wanted 'the toes' dance move!

AuniLeigh said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and saw you enjoyed papercrafting and MJ. I think you've done a great job on MJ painting. I'm sure your daughter was thrilled.